As a third-party owner, you can easily publish your company advertisement on our platform. We will allow that after completing the payment. Here we are providing some rules and regulations for the advertisement.
So, if you are working on any of these niches feel free to contact with us for swapping an article or advertise your brand here.
If you are an eCommerce site owner and want to promote your platform, you can easily choose “Wiki Learns.” Wiki Learns is a popular multi-niche blogging platform that serves users by sharing necessary information regarding photography, trending news, viral news, technology, health, business, etc. You can provide your advertisement in our header, footer, or side banner. To do that, you need to contact us through mail at We discuss the payments in the mail.
Contact us if you are a blog owner like us and want to promote your blog on our platform. We always appreciate new bloggers coming to our platform and increasing their visibility.
We also welcome promoting your newly created news site. Just visit our site and contact us. You can advertise in the header section, footer, or within the content. We also allow the fixed sidebar advertisement for a fixed time. This time, we will charge something more. You can contact us through the mail.
We also promote different types of forums on our platform. You can place your forum advertisement daily, weekly, and monthly.
Mostly we use a vertical banner that is 160px by 600px. We also publish different types of horizontal banners on our platform. We use them on the side banner. The billboard banner would be 970*250 pixels.
We will also provide you with a portrait banner that is 300*1050.
N.B: We do not allow any marketing banner that is related to 18+ content
We accept all payment methods, including PayPal, Payoneer, bank transfer, Visa & Master card payment.