How To Read Palms | The Ultimate Guidelines with Images
We live in 2024, in the modern age of the world. Although there is no connection between palm reading and science. But also many people blindly believe in palm reading. Some people may think that palmistry is related to religion, but it does not.
Palmistry or Chiromancy is a tradition that is developed in Asian and Roman culture. If you are interested in palmistry here is a detailed discussion about Right-hand palm reading for females. There are no major differences in reading a female's right or left hand.
Let's learn how to read plam.
How To Read Hands
There are many different ways of reading hands. Palm reading for females has some methods. But all methods have some common aspects and symbols for prediction.
People's nature, social position, social connectivity, and economic stability can be predicted.
There are four major methods are populated for reading hand. They are -
- Type of hand
- lines of hand
- Mounts of hand
- Sizes of hands and fingers.
Different Types of Hand

There are four types of hands available according to the palmists which are-
- Earth Hands
- Air Hands
- Fire Hands
- Water hands
The types of hands are determined by their shape and the size of the hands. Each hand shape is associated with certain elements and traits. The palm length is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers.
1. Earth Hands

Square, broad plans with sort fingers with thick ruddy skins are identified as earth hands. The length of the palm is approximately equal to the fingers.
- Solid personality, energetic, could be stubborn.
- Responsible, practical, and materialistic.
2. Air hands

Air hand can be identified by square or rectangular plans long bony fingers protruding knuckles low-ser thumbs. Thumbs are low-set, dry skin, and the length of the palm is less than the length of the fingers.
- Curious, witty, good communication skills, talkative.
- easily distracted, and can be anxious or edgy.
- Dose things in different and radical ways.
3. Fire Hands

you can identify a fire hand by its long palm, short fingers, and flushed or pink skin. The length of the palm is greater than the length of the fingers.
- Passionate, Confident, Industrious and optimistic.
- Sometimes Egoistic, impulsive, and insensitive.
- Have a bold personality.
4. Water Hands

Water hands can be identified by their oval-shaped long palms and long, flexible fingers. These hands are soft to the touch and overall narrow appearance. The length of the palm equals the length of the fingers. But the finger's width is less than the width across the widest part of the palm.
- Creative, Sympathetic, Introverts.
- Can be moody, emotional, and inhibited.
- Do things quietly and intuitively.
How to Lines of Hands
There are different schools of thought on the matter. Some say you can also choose whichever hand is dominant to be your present/past life hand. And the non-dominant hand would then be your future life hand.
Palm Reading for Females

According to Chinese traditions, the primary palm reading for a female below 30 years of age is done using the right palm. The left is used for supplementary analysis. For a female over 30 years, the left palm is due for the palmistry reading.
It is thought that, for females, the right hand is what you're born with. That is why palm reading for females is famous in palmistry society. And left is what you've accumulated throughout your life.
For males, it is the opposite. the left hand is what you're born with, and the right is what you've accumulated throughout your life. Some say the left hand shows potential and what could be, not necessarily what will be.
Differences in the hands could mean one is for predicting the situation. Another is about to take action when it comes to their lives and change it.
Reading The Lines of Hands

There are four major lines in a hand. There may be breaks in them, or they may be short. But at least three of them are available in every hand. These are as follows-
- The Heart Line
- The Head Line
- The Life Line
- The Fate Line
1. The Heart Line
This line exists on the top of your palm, horizontally with the width of the palm. This line can be read in both directions from the pinkie finger to the index finger or vice versa.
The heart line indicates emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression, and cardiac health.
The basic predictions according to the headline's shape and length are as follows:
Wavy - Many Relationships and Lovers, Absence of Serious Relationships

Circle on the Line - Sadness or Depression

Broken Line - Emotional Trauma

Smaller Lines Crossing through the Heartline - Emotional Trauma

Begins Below the Index Finger - Content with Love Life

Begins Below the Middle Finger - Selfish When it Comes to Love

Begins in the Middle - Falls in Love Easily

Straight and Short - Less Interest in Romance

Touches Lifeline - The Heart is Broken Easily

Long and Curvy - Freely Expresses Emotions and Feelings

Straight and Parallel to the Headline - Good Handle on Emotions

2. The Head Line
The Head Line is below the heartline horizontally. A curved line is associated with creativity and spontaneity.
A straight line is linked with practicality and a structured approach. It represents a person's learning style, communication approach, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge.
The basic predictions according to the Head Line shapes, sizes, and breaks are as follows,
Deep, Long Line - Thinking is Clear and Focused

Straight Line - Ability To Think Realistically

Donuts or Cross in Head Line - Prefer for Emotional Crisis

Broken Head Line - Inconsistencies in Thought

Multiple Crosses Through Head Line - Moments Decisions

Shortline - Physical Achievements Over Mental Ones

Curved, Sloping Line - Creativity

Separated from Life Line - Adventure, Enthusiasm for Life

Wavy line - Short Attention Span

3. The Life Line
The lifeline starts along with the middle of the wist and toward the head-line or the bottom area of the thumb in an arc. The lifeline reflects physical health, general well-being, and major life changes.
It can reflect cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocation. its length is not related to the length of life.
The basic predictions, based on the shapes, sizes, and numbers of the lifeline are as follows-
Long, Deep - Vitality

Short and Shallow - Manipulated by Others

Swoops Around in a Semicircle - Strength, and Enthusiasm

Break - A Sudden Change in Lifestyle

Runs Close to Thumb - Often Tired

Curvy - Plenty of Energy

Straight and Close to the Edge of the Palm - Cautious When It Comes to Relationships

Multiple Lifelines - Extra Vitality

Circle in Line - Hospitalized or Injured

4. Fate Line or line of destiny
A vertical line center on the palm from the base of the palm toward the heart line. It indicates the effection of a person's life by external circumstances which are beyond their control.
The fate line is also known as the line of destiny. Starts at the base of the thumb and crosses lifeline - support offered by family and friends.
Deep Line - Strongly Controlled by Fate

Breaks and Changes of Direction - Prone to Many Changes in Life from External Forces

Starts Joined to Lifeline - Self-made Individual; Develops Aspirations Early On

Joins with the Lifeline Around in the Middle - Signifies A Point At Which One's Interests Must Be Surrendered to Others

Mounts of the Hands
Some palmists use some other technique of Right-hand palm reading for females. If you cup your hand just a little bit some fleshy area will appear on the opposite side of the knuckle these are called mounts.
Seven mounts are corresponding to the seven planets which are as follows,
- Apollo ( the sun)
- Luna (the moon)
- Mercury,
- Venus,
- Mars
- Jupiter,
- and Sturn
1. Mount of Venus

The mount of Venus is located at the base of the thumb. Mount of the Venus is related to love, sensuality, and attraction. This mount prefers natural magnetism, as well as an individual's emotional connection to romance.
Sexuality, passion, and indulgence are all under the auspices of this region. A non-existent Venus mount indicates little interest in family matters.
2. Mount of Mars

Some palm readers only address the outer and lower mounts, however, others include the Plane of Mars in their reading.
The Outer Mars mount is also called Upper Mars or Positive Mars. The Outer Mars is positioned between the head-line and the heart-line below the pinky finger.
The outer Mars mount sections represent resilience. it also reflects temperament. An overly developed mount denotes a stubborn, defiant individual who is not one to enter into a give-and-take situation. If This mount is absent or flat, this is a sign of an inability to express true feelings.
The Lower Mount of Mars appears located opposite side of the Outer Mars Mount above Venus. This mountain is also called the Mount of Negative Mars. This signifies a person's enthusiasm or aggression. If it appears overly developed in one person's palms.
That person may be quick-tempered, over-indulgent, or egotistical and argumentative. The absence of this mount or flat means a cloud of uncertainty surrounds the person. There is also a lack of self-esteem and less motivation.
The plane of Mars is located in the center of the palm. The plane of Mars is also called the Middle Mars plane. A well-developed Mars plane indicates a highly energized person and a sociable personality. It also is a sign of a rebellious personality who has no regard for the law or others.
If the Plane of Mars has a dip in it, the person has a calm and patient temperament. The Undefined Plane of Mars signs of a highly self-centered personality.
3. Mount of Jupiter

The Mount of Jupiter is located at the base of the index finger. The Above Mount of the Inner Mars. It is preferred for ambition, confidence, and leadership. It also has some negative sides.
Well-developed this Mount means Celf-centered, and aggressive. Lack of this mount means lack of confidence.
4. Mount of Saturn

The Mount of Saturn is located at eh base of the middle finger. This Mount corresponds to wisdom, responsibility, and fortitude. This Mount reveals a person's integrity and their deep understanding of the ups and downs of life.
High Mont also indicates stubbornness, cynicism, and prone to depression personality. The absence of the Mount indicates superficiality and disorganization.
5. Mount of Apollo ( Mount of The Sun )

The Mount of Apollo or the Sun Mount is located bottom or base of the ring finger. Named as the name of the sun god of classical antiquity. This Mount corresponds with the personality of optimism, vitality, and dynamic essence.
The bad sides are the personality of quick-temper, extravagant, and prideful. The flat Mount of Apollo or the Sun Mout is a sign of a lack of imagination.
6. The Mount of Mercury

The Mount of Mercury is located at the bottom of the pinky finger. The Mount of Mercury is related to intelligence and social communication. Well-developed Mount of Mercury referred to wit, adaptability, and social skills.
This Mount reveals a person's strategic mind and resourcefulness. It also indicates that too much-talking personality. The absence of the Mount of Mercury is the opposite, a sign of a shy personality.
7. The Mount of Luna ( Mount of the Moon )

The Mount of Luna is located on the opposite side of the thumb or pinky side and above the wrist or bottom of the palm. It is named after the ancient Roman Goddess of the moon.
The Mount of Luna indicates imagination, intuition, and psychic powers. This Momut also reveals a person's empathy, compassion, and imagination. Download Summary
Examine the Hands and Fingers
Examining the hands and fingers area is another method of Right-hand palm reading for females. Remember the side of the hands is relative to the body. If you are above 30 then you have bigger hands than a 10-year-old. The sizes are all proportional.
Some say that small hands are active and don't waste time thinking about what to do. Large hands are on those who are contemplative and slow to action.
Long Fingers indicate being well-mannered, good-looking, and delicate. On the other hand, short fingers are found on impatient, highly sexed, and creative.
Long Fingernails means kind and good secret keepers. Short fingernails indicate a critical and sarcastic personality. Almost-shaped fingernails mean sweet and diplomatic.
Marriage Line

The marriage line is a short line above the Heart line starting under the little finger. The marriage lines horizontal lines with heart lines. It reflects romantic relationships and marriage.
- If two equally clear marriage lines are present. possibility of a love triangle.
- If the line veers up, it means you have little interest in getting married.
- When the line splits in two under the pinky finger, you should pay attention to your relationship.
Children lines

The children's lines are vertical to the marriage line. Children's lines are located below the base of the pinky finger. These lines indicate the number of children one person may have and the life status of the children.
- If the child line is forked at the end, it's an indication of twins. there will be a high chance of conceiving them.
- The narrow and shallow children lines indicate baby girls.
- The deep and wide children lines indicate Boys.
Read Our Latest Articles
There is no major difference between Palm reading for females and males palm reading. If you know the methods of Palm reading for females and the meanings of various lines and mounts.
As discussed above the lines, mount, and hands contain one's major characteristics of life. But these have no connection with science. Most religions denied plam reading or predicting the future.
According to the Islam religion palm reading or any kind of future prediction, technique is haram (forbidden). This Palm Reading for Females article is just for the information of information about how Asian palmists predict people's futures. And they do have not any scientific explanations.
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